Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Feeling Blah

Not sure why I'm feeling this way, I'm healthy, I've got a great husband and 4 kids that love me to death...But yet I'm feeling BLAH! The weather in Cali is sunny and 80 degrees. Feeling like I'm stuck and can't move. Maybe I just need to blog and poor out how I feel. My husband is not home yet, will be home by May 15Th or sooner. My 15 year old is driving me crazy. She's been staying at her Dad's and I feel like were lost. No rule's apply at her Dad's that's why she's there. Ugh!?! My 19 year old is still floating by, no job and not in school. She's managing to pay her rent (actually her Dad pays her rent). Grrr My husband wants to take us, on a vacation to St. Croix to meet up with some friends who will be there for an Iron Man competition. Although it sounds great, the trip would be rather expensive and the plane ride would be an all day ordeal, not to mention that Jacqueline would miss 1 week of school and 2 softball games. (In my head I'm thinking what could he possibly be thinking). He himself needs to get acclimated back to civilian life and having a family at home. For me, I would rather save the money to ensure me being home a little longer and save the money for a rainy day and go on a vacation that is less expensive and at a better time. We don't quit feel the same way, he feels we need a family vacation. Although I understand he's need to spend time with us, it's not as though we haven't seen each other while he's been gone, it's not like he's been in Iraq and we haven't seen him at all. I even told him to go alone with the friends to St. Croix, I would be okay with that as crazy as that sounds. Does this make sense or am I crazy and losing my mind?!?


Anonymous said...

sounds like you are a woman who has teenagers & small kids, and whose husband is always gone! No, wait a minute...that's me! haha. Are you feeling any better? I have days when I want to kill my kids, and then the next day, they are the most precious things in the world. I'm thinking I'm in PERI-menopause-look out! On the other hand, I would LOVE to go to St Croix! Are you excercising regularly? That always helps me. Then again, those cookies wouldn't hurt!

Anonymous said...

PS My new goal is to simplify, simplify, simplify. I start going crazy when there is too much going on. Activities won't make or break our children- I keep having to tell myself that.

heather said...

Maybe just the two of you could go somewhere. Does it have to be St. Croix? Do you have someone who could babysit? I bet Bill loves your getting more advice from other women. ha. Glor is right. IT is having teenagers, little ones, and a husband who is gone. Nothing wrong with ignoring the world for a day or two and staying in pjs and cozying up with a blankie and watching girl movies. I myself have been indulging too much in the sweet dept. yikes.

Anonymous said...

Let's see what would Demi Moore do?
She has 3 kids, she's beautiful, has a husband who adores her...
They are also always up-front with each other. "When I'm putting up a front, she calls me on it," Kutcher told Oprah Winfrey in April. "And I call her on her crap." Also on Oprah, Kutcher expressed his happiness with Moore saying: "I love being with her. She makes me a better person." and with that my dear Syndi, you're a beautiful women and Bill loves being with you. So I say - "Stand by your Man" and go to St. Croix!